Cities on the Plain
Rev. Tom Tuura
of Christ Lutheran Church
there was strife between the herdsmen of Abram's livestock and the
herdsmen of Lot's livestock...10 And Lot lifted his eyes and saw all
the plain of Jordan, that it was well watered everywhere (before the
Lord destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah) like the garden of the Lord, like
the land of Egypt as you go toward Zoar. 11 Then Lot chose for
himself all the plain of Jordan, and Lot journeyed east...Lot pitched
his tent even as far as Sodom. 13 But the men of Sodom were
exceedingly wicked and sinful against the Lord.”
learned early on the three enemies of our souls, the devil, the
world, and our own sinful flesh. From one standpoint three different
sources of temptation. As far as the third enemy our own “flesh”
or sinful nature (Rom 8:5-7), it seems that people walk around giving
the impression that they don't have any struggles with the flesh or
the world, or at least it sure seems that way. Blame it all on the
devil is certainly easier. The Scripture is absolutely correct when
it speaks of all mankind, “There
is no one who does good not even one.”
(Rom 3:12). In the case of the Christian and baptized child then,
they have a new nature but also an “old nature” which susceptible
to temptation, (Rom 6:1-4). Temptation is not sin for even Jesus was
struggles are real. Even Christians of all ages are caught up in the
tangled webs of today's unique digital environment. Many parts of it
are good, like the interstate highways, which carry legitimate goods
and services. But for more and more, it's a secret cauldron of evil
that seems to possess them after giving in to the constant
temptations of the lower impulses. And today it captures the
children more than ever before, who are even less prepared to deal
with these powerful temptations. But once a child gives in, it
quickly exhausts them, leaving emptiness, isolated from the rest of
the flock, and insulated from the God's joy and peace. The shame and
secrecy, then slam the prison door behind them. There is good news.
Even though it doesn't seem like it, there
is a path to victory.
There is hope!
want to talk about the changing landscape that has made this problem
the crisis it is today. We'll never know what motivated Lot to move
east but he did. And one cannot rule out the interest in the bright
lights of these cities on the plain. Of course they were well
watered (Gen 13:10). We could say it was a “business decision”.
The new landscape of the cities might have been great for business,
but proved to be a disaster for his family.
may not realize that as Lot's situation changed, ours has too; almost
all of the landscape surrounding us has changed, just like the cities
on the plain. In less than one generation we lost what I'll call the
barriers to many sins of the flesh. In the past, if you dared to
indulge, you had to physically go to known establishments where that
sort of thing was available. Good or bad, that alone kept a certain
portion, maybe most people out of trouble. It was the fear of being
seen in “public”. It used to be called the “red light
district” or a similar locality. This the Bible calls the
influence of the “world”.
the old landscape, the home was sanctuary of goodness, or at least
could be. The world's influence
could be kept at bay—somewhat. There's indication in Genesis that
Lot initially located “outside” the city creating speculation
that he recognized the risk and was trying to keep his distance.
(Gen 13:12)
old Adam, (and Eve) could still create plenty of mayhem. And it did.
There were a few homes that were not sanctuaries, but caldrons of
blackness, homes influenced by the bottle. There were homes with
secrets too, just as today. Yet there were many more good homes.
Homes with love and where people worked hard and kept busy doing good
honorable things, and the worst thing was a deck of cards.
time passed, there were repeated attempts by this influence
to gain entry. It succeeded by arriving in a box. Even then, within
this box were sights and sounds that for the most part were good and
educational, but also sights and sounds that definitely weren't. The
landscape begins to shift ever so slightly.
just as Lot found himself living within the city, Genesis 14:12, one
“box” turned to many, like the interstate highway system that
carries goods and services across the country, as well as our
families to grandma's house, it also transports filth into the very
corners of our most private places.
no longer do those who dare to indulge in their earthly desires have
to risk travel to a place of ill repute, but can merely touch the
box. And touching that box they/we do now in secret.
even in the old red light districts there were limits, hours of
operation, personnel that were needed, as well as Law enforcement,
and city ordinances. No more. There is no end, no limit to the
third change is that in the old system, less than a generation ago,
the attempt was made to prevent entry to those under age. It wasn't
full proof. But the attempt was made. A feeble effort now is
attempted. But there is no real effective barrier to prevent the
under age from exposure to the darkest, and vilest things. In fact
by some it is encouraged. No one under the age of 20 was even alive
to see the barriers of the old landscape. The “red light”
district mother warned about is everywhere.
one had to venture out in “public” to participate, or purchase
this, now it reigns in secrecy, truly enslaving young and old.
But there is power in the name of Jesus.
of the darkest, most vile things are being redefined, in the name of
progress. They are now encouraged to be taught to the under age
through the now tiny box. Now in a hellish trifecta, the devil the
world and the flesh team up together in these devices and capture the
hearts and minds of young and old.
insulate and isolate the hearts and minds of the viewers dulling even
the deepest spiritual hunger. If he can't make a casualty, a
spiritual cripple is just as good.
there is power in the blood. There is power in the name of Jesus to
break every chain. And the first thing is to expose this darkness to
The solution is simple. Satan hates the Light of the World. So
here's 5
things we
all must do.
to light. Talk about it. Particularly to the vulnerable. Secret
battles are losing battles.
and packaging the problem. It doesn't define you. It had a
beginning and it has an ending.
John 1:9, Jesus forgives and cleanses .
the evil trifecta, and trusting God's loving powerful hand of
deliverance, (I John 2:15-17) Understanding the forces at work,
including our own evil desires, (Romans 8:1-15)
a warfare
for the soul, not an individual's failure. You're not alone. (Eph
6:10-18; 1 Cor. 10:13)
The Bible says “Flee youthful lusts” (2 Timothy 2:22)
I said in a sermon years ago on Lot in Sodom and Gomorrah, “It
doesn't matter if you go to Sodom, or if Sodom comes to you, the
result is the same.” It appears Sodom has come to us. We must
shine the light brightly to win the victory and open the prison
my view from the Blackberry Patch Pulpit
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