Thursday, May 28, 2015

What kind of legacy will you leave?

What kind of legacy will you leave?

I have never liked to act my age. When I was 14 and 15, I would sit on the curb with my buddy and say, “I can't wait till I get my driver's license!”. Then it was “I can't wait to graduate.” But oh to be 14 again! Maybe? Sometimes.

Now, I could see how people can long for the 30's, or even 40's.
But what's wrong with where we are right now? What kind of legacy we leave depends precisely on how we can “act our age” in this very moment.
Those around us, need us to be who we are at this moment.

Instead, many of us are rushing around in “attaining” mode. We are attaining this, or that, when there should be a “being” mode. That is the mode of contentment.

Please indicate the question number you are responding to in your comments.

1. Look up 1 Timothy 6:6-10. Comment on the trait tied to godliness in this passage.

Why is this trait tied to godliness?

How is it “gain”?

2. When we think of our planet, what do the following passages teach us?
Deuteronomy 10:14, I Chronicles 29:11-14, Psalm 100:1-3, John 1:1-3, Psalm 50:10-12,

3. Living in the mode of contentment instead of attaining mode, breeds what is spoken of in Psalm 100. What is the response in Psalm 100:4?

4. Discuss, whether or not people are thankful. What are the circumstances in which you are thankful?

McCann, the author of the book I am following says, “Okay. So I accept God's ownership. The Bible teaches it. It makes sense. I have no problem acknowledging God as Creator and owner. But how can I let that truth impact my daily life? What difference does it make?
...the beginning point of managing God's resources is taking His ownership seriously. What will my life look like when I integrate this truth into my activities and relationships? Will I be required to sell all I have and give it to God? Do I have to renounce all desire for money or material objects? Must I feel guilty for buying things I don't need?
Perhaps the best way to wrestle with these and similar questions is to establish a few perspectives and disciplines. Below are three help you clarify your thinking on the issues brought up in the suggestion.”

A challenge
A good place to begin is to challenge yourself to see everything you call your own as belonging to God.

A prayer
A second discipline to develop is to spend more time in prayer before making purchases. If it is God's money, you will want to use it as he desires.

A Journal
Keep a journal to evaluate how well you are progressing in acknowledging God's ownership.

Scripture memory: Psalm 24:1 or Deuteronomy 10:14

Lets get a discussion going.  

Theme: 2015 Faith and Family Legacy, Work, and Community  --Think about it.


  1. To comment, just click on the word "Comment" and follow the directions. For those who want to post without being signed on see the box just below that says "Comment as" and click then scroll to the bottom, and select "anonymous". Otherwise use your google account

  2. You still have to click on the word "comment". and follow the directions. When you "Publish" you then hopefully click just the box and you are done.
    Don't forget your name!

  3. 1. Contentment seems to bring peace. Striving to attain success brings with it anxiety. I like that peace of mind! Moments of true joy can come from treasuring little things like hugs, time spent with loved ones, enjoying nature, good music or a good book, time spent in the Word, talking to God in prayer. What blessings!

    1. Yes! like appreciating the ordinary. But striving for success, while bringing a certain level of anxiety can have a good outcome. It is truly a balance--and the Gospel, while we "fight not as one who beats the air" (I Cor 9:26); we come home and hear, "Well done thou good and faithful servant."
