I'm going to try to get out a quick post here before we leave for our Colorado Free Lutheran Youth Convention, or FLY. Its getting a little attention.
Our youth leader at headquarters, was having a garage sale, and I believe he said he was donating some of the proceeds to some youth ministry, perhaps fundraising for their youth. Their sign didn't expressly say what and where it was going. A random lady came up and was commenting about how wonderful that was, and asked, "Its not FLY is it?" (not realizing that she was talking to the person heading it all up). Then she began to share how FLY had made a difference in someone's life she knew from across the country. Wow!
Now that we got instructions on how to comment, lets try another study.
Last post asked, who really owns this stuff? Knowing God as owner.
Who Calls the Shots?
Today McCann our book's author is asking Who calls the shots? Knowing Jesus as LORD
What is the difference between Jesus as Savior and Jesus as Lord?
This is a bit controversial today. There is a lot of discussion in social media, the news media, and our communities about slavery, freedom, and people being forced, or coerced to say or do something that is against their will. And some accuse the Bible of promoting slavery. But what many don't realize is that the term "Lord" implies a form of slavery. Jesus Himself, took upon Himself the "form of a slave". And yet Jesus is called "Lord" which means master. He says, "Why do you call me Lord, Lord, and do not do the things which I say?" Luke 6:46 And He called his Father "Lord"
Even the word "obedience" is a term that takes us back to an authoritative/submissive relationship. This type of terminology is very lowly regarded today.
So Is Jesus Christ Lord? Should He be? Use the comments section to discuss.
McCann continues, "The previous lesson focused on God as our creator and owner. It was designed to help you explore the fact that everything and everyone belongs to God since He is the creator of all. No one can say, 'My life is my own'. Everyone is indebted to God for his or her life and for everything he or she possesses.
"This study picks up where the previous one left off. The focus of this entire series is that God is working with us to accomplish His purposes in this world. In a sense, we are involved in a partnership with God."
Look up the following verses and list the ways he is Lord
Colossians 1:15-18
Philippians 2:5-11
Romans 14:7-12; 2 Corinthians 5:9,10
Colossians 3:17
If you make Jesus Christ Lord, what do you become? Look up Phil 1:1
What is a bondslave?
Look up John 13:13. What is He teaching here?
It's what servants do. Washing feet.